Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Knights of Columbus State Scholarship

One of the most overlooked Knights of Columbus Programs is the State Scholarship, designed specifically for high school seniors planning to enter College or continuing students currently enrolled in a College or University. Deadline for submittal of an application portfolio is March 1, 2008

The Scholarship Program offers 11 $1,000 scholarships plus 1 $500 scholarship, has helped many students in California to afford to begin College and others to stay in College and provides no restrictions to the type of school, whether a public or private institution.

Qualifications of Scholarships, Required Documents, Scholarship Application, Verification of Eligibility, Personal Statement Requirements, Application Portfolio Deadline and Portfolio Submittal Location are all found on Pages 124 through 127 within the California State Council Program Handbook and the State Council Website. Every Grand Knight in every Council has a copy of this Handbook

You can't possibly imagine the words of gratitude and prayers of thanksgiving that come to us from winning Scholarship recipients and their families. Yet, how many times I have the words from Brother Knights, "If I only knew about it, my son or daughter would have applied for it because they might qualify for a Scholarship".

NOW is the time for students and their families to begin the application process in order to meet the deadline of March 1, 2008. NOW is the time for all Councils and Brother Knights to promote this valuable Program that supports the youth of our State.

David Walker, Chairman
California State Scholarship Committee
Tel. 949-448-8120

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