Friday, January 4, 2008

Knights Donate Trunk or Treat Receipts to St Patricks

On Thursday, 3 January 2008, the St. Patricks Knights of Columbus Council 10925 presented a check for $2,084.00 to Deacon Richard Heames, pastoral coordinator for St. Patricks Catholic Church. The amount represents the net profits of the Trunk or Treat Celebration held on 27 October 2007. The annual event was planned and directed by Sir Knight Bill Cockayne. Bill coordinated the efforts of several parish ministries including the Knights of Columbus, the Pastoral Council, the Mission Ministry and the Religious Education Program among others. Shown in the pictures above are Grand Knight Tim Mahar thanking Bill Cockayne for his efforts and Deacon Heames accepting the check from Tim Mahar and Bill Cockayne.

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