Saturday, May 22, 2010

April 2010 Pancake Breakfast a Great Success!

St. Patricks Knights of Columbus Council 10925 hosted yet another successful Pancake Breakfast on April 18th. Deputy Grand Knight Tony Despart reported that the fundraising event netted over $800 for the Council general fund. He thanked all the knights who volunteerd their time to set-up, cook, serve, and clean-up afterwards. A word of thanks also to Deacon Heames and St. Patricks Church for the use of their facilities.

Pictured above, Brother Knights John Bateman and Dominic Piotrowski wait on some hungry parishioners and Father Ike and friends enjoy their pancake breakfast.

Sir Knights Bill Cockayne and Walter Caiazza manning the ticket table and Knights Tom Turkowski, Samuel Gutierrez, Donald Curtis and Bill Stevenson working hard in the kitchen.

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