Saturday, July 26, 2008

Knights Celebrate 4th of July with Flagpole Dedication

The Knights of Columbus Council 10925 celebrated the 4th of July 2008 by sponsoring a barbeque and fireworks viewing at St. Patricks and dedicating a new flagpole erected behind the Ministry Center. The flagpole is a long-held dream of the Council and is dedicated in honor of the deceased Knights of Knights of Columbus Council 10925. It is jointly sponsored by Council 10925, the Chelbana Assembly 2306, and the St. Patrick Senior Adult Ministry.

Prior to the dedication ceremony the Knights held a barbeque that was attended by over 100 parish members. To begin the festivities Father Enrique LaPuebla, the Council chaplain, delivered a benediction to bless the site (see picture above).

Grand Knight Tim Mahar and Deputy Grand Knight Joe Syms were accorded the honor of raising the flag for the first time ( picture below left).

Following the raising of the flag everyone settled in to view the spectacular fireworks display put on by the city of Moreno Valley.
Special thanks to Sir Knight John Cundiff for planning and organizing the event, to all the knights who assisted in the set-up, serving, and clean-up and, most especially, to Sir Knight Bill Cockayne who was largely responsible for the fund-raising, procurement and physical set-up of the flagploe.
Thanks also to Deacon Richard Heames for granting approval of the project and location of the flagpole to honor our deceased knights and our country.

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