Friday, April 18, 2008

Pancake Breakfast Proves a Tasty Proposition

On Sunday, April 13, 2008, St. Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 10925 held a pancake breakfast at St. Patrick Catholic Church. According to co-chairmen Sir Knights Bill Cockayne and Charles Howard over 220 meals were served to satisfied parishioners. Sir Knight Jesse Betancourt once again proved himself the best cook in three counties by serving up mounds of delicious pancakes, fluffy scrambled eggs, crisp bacon and sausage. Over twenty-five knights turned out to assist in the set-up, cooking, serving, and clean-up. The profit generated by the event will be deposited in the council general fund and used to support various charitable activities throughout the parish. Thanks to all those knights who generously donated their time to make this event a huge success.


Anonymous said...

Great jobon the pancake breakfast. It was grea

Anonymous said...

Congratulation on your website.

From a Brother night,

Anonymous said...

great article.

Anonymous said...

nice work.