Thursday, June 7, 2007

Election of Officers

St. Patrick's Council 10925 held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 and elected a new slate of officers for Columbian Year 2008. Newly elected officers are:

Grand Knight ------------Tim Mahar
Deputy Grand Knight ----Joe Syms
Chancellor --------------- Shawn Boddy
Recorder -----------------Lenord Romero
Treasurer ----------------Jesus Rojero
Advocate -----------------Kenneth Kuhn
Warden ------------------Charles Walker
3rd Year Trustee ---------Bill Cockayne

Continuing as 1st Year Trustee is Don Stanley and 2nd Year Trustee is Russell Sikes.

Brother Knight Tim Waldron accepted the position as Financial Secretary.

Congratulations and thanks to all of the above for volunteering to serve in these positions.

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