The Stage Deputy is a founding member of Council 10925 and acknowledged Sir Knight Paul Abeyta as a fellow founding member. He reported that the State of California Knights of Columbus broke all records last year. The Food for Families Program distributed $300,000 to bishops statewide to aid their food distribution programs. He stated he had just given Bishop Barnes $13,000 earlier that day for the seminarian program. The State Deputy also presented the Bishop a check for $29,000 for the diocese.
Sir Knight Reek stated that the year 2009 was the best recruitment year ever for the K of C and he looks forward to a better one in 2010. However, he added that the ratio of knights in CA to the total number of Catholic men is low and we should try to improve that ratio. He went on to say that the two main priorities for CA in the new year are the Culture of Life and encouragement of vocations.
Sir Knight Reek urged council members to join him in the Walk for Life in San Francisco. He concluded by saying that since he is a founding member of Council 10925 he wants to see it shine, and thanked the council for all its good work.
Pictured above (from left to right) are State Deputy Ivan Reek, Father Fernando Iglesisa and Grand Knight Tony Despart